GiST/BATS Volunteer Opportunities

Every semester we rely on student and faculty member volunteers to help run our Girls in STEM at Tulane (GiST) and Boys at Tulane in STEM (BATS) programs for 5th-7th grade students in the Greater New Orleans area. Below are descriptions of different volunteer opportunities available for undergraduate and graduate students at Tulane that would like to help with GiST/BATS. If you are interested in volunteering this semester, please fill out the volunteer form below.

Welcome Table Volunteers

Tulane Departments and Student Organizations can organize a short 5-minute experiment or demonstration for GiST and BATS participants during the morning check-in time. Participants will have scavenger hunt worksheets or booklets and will visit each table to answer questions related to the activity. This requires a 2 hour time commitment from 7:30am to 9:30am on the morning of the event.

Group Leaders

We need student group leaders to take a group of 10-15 girls or boys to their different workshops throughout the day and to help them with their design activity during lunch. This requires a full-day commitment from 7:45am to 3:00pm.

Other GiST/BATS Volunteers

We will need other volunteers to help us throughout the day including with registration, lunch, taking photos, evaluating workshops, wrap-up activity, etc.

If you have questions about any of these volunteers opportunities, please email us at or