Are you an SSE undergrad? Are you around this summer? Would you like to be on a panel for high school students and get a free lunch? Then, please fill out the form below.

The Tulane Science Scholars Program (TSSP) provides hands-on educational opportunities and course credit to 10th-12th grade students who have exceptional talent in science and mathematics. This summer we are offering thirteen 3-credit courses including Chemical Engineering, Computer Science, Conservation Genetics, Engineering Design, Intro to Makerspace, Materials Science, Mathematics, Music Technology, Neuroscience, Plants and Human Affairs, Psychology, and Public Health.

The student panels will be during lunch on Thursday, July 18th from 11:45am-12:45pm and Thursday, August 1st from 11:45am-12:45pm
– On July 18th, the Chemical Engineering (CENG), Conservation Genetics (EBIO), Enginering Physics (ENGP)’s Makerspace, Mathematics (MATH), Neuroscience (NSCI), Physics (PHYS)’s Materials Science, Psychology (PSYCH), and Public Health (SPHU) students will be in session so it would be great to have students in CENG, EBIO, ENGP, MATH, NSCI, PHYS, PSYC, or SPHU at this lunch. 
– On August 1st, the Chemical Engineering (CENG), Computer Science (CMPS), Engineering Physics (ENGP)’s Engineering Design, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EBIO)’s Plants and Human Affairs, Music Technology, Neuroscience (NSCI), and Public Health (SPHU) courses will be in session so it would be great to have students in CENG, CMPS, EBIO, ENGP, NSCI, and SPHU at this lunch.

It would be great if you could speak about applying to college, what college is like, how you chose your major, what you like about Tulane specifically and be able to answer any questions that they have about college and Tulane.

You don’t have to be in one of the majors listed to attend. You are also more than welcome to be at one or both.

Questions regarding this event may be addressed to and more information on TSSP can be found here.